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I have been a user of GoRout from the very first years. Each year the product improves to maximize the most out of your practice. As advertised you will undoubtedly get more quality reps each and every practice. Our program finds it saves an extreme amount of time practicing your opponents special teams. Another great aspect is how it gets more players involved. We use a rotational system for scout defense, in which there are two players assigned to each scout position and one holds the GoRout on the sidelines while the other player is on the field executing their assignment. A coach will send the play into the GoRout and the player holding the GoRout on the sidelines will view their assignment and run in to replace the person on the field in their position while giving them the GoRout as they head back to the sidelines. We repeat this process and it really gives the scout players an opportunity to view their scout position from the sidelines and then go and execute it the next play.

Chris Zablocki
Sheboygan Falls High School | 2023

GoRout will change the way you practice and prepare. This is the best product on the market for improving practice efficiency and scout team accuracy. GoRout will take your staff to the next level.

Taylor Greene
Lehman High School | 2023

GoRout has helped us create more efficient practices. GoRout allows us to include more players in practice by allowing us to run two scout huddles where we rapidly run more quality opponent plays. The ability to pull from Hudl also creates an easy play list that creates more time for coaches.

Roger Beitel
Ligonier Valley High School | 2022

GoRout has helped our practice tremendously. We were able to run more plays in practice against a huge variety of looks, and our scout teams made less mistakes than ever!

Zack Leonard
Blacksburg High School | 2021

Speaking as a current high school football coach, GoRout is the most important technology to teaching the sport of football in my past 28 years. It doesn’t matter what level of football you’re coaching with GoRout. You get a professional coach who never gets sick, doesn’t complain, and is always on time! It gives your school an immediate competitive edge. It is currently the most important coaching tool you will purchase in your program.

TJ Ewing
Monterey Trail High School | 2023

When it comes to GoRout, most people will not realize the advantage that you gain by running multiple plays in practice. You also spend less time standing around one and you get the job done. Kids are visual learners nowadays and this is a great way for them to learn from the install and the scout team standpoint. It is probably one of the most underrated products that I have seen as a coach.

Eric Walkingstick
Akron-Westfield High School | 2022

Simply put, GoRout allows us to do more in less time, increasing our reps per practice! Nothing teaches like doing and GoRout makes that happen!

Sam Pulino
Rocklin High School | 2022

GoRout was a huge positive for us this season. It made our practices run much smoother. We didn’t waste time huddling up our scout team, or finding the right scout card. I would recommend this product to anyone trying to make their practices more efficient.

Dennis Skains
Cecilia High School | 2022

Gone are the days of printing out papers, inserting them in a binder, and screaming at your scout team to get in and out of the huddle. GoRout eliminates all of that waste and lets you focus on what matters most, efficient and effective execution of your practice script. In just one day, we were able to triple our repetitions in every team period.

George Mahoney
Tottenville High School | 2023

GoRout is a must buy for high school coaching staffs, especially if they are understaffed. This product allows the coaching staff to have more eyes on the players and less eyes on the scoutbook between plays. The efficiency that the system creates for practice preparation and scout segments is truly one of a kind and the players get really excited to use the product.

Christopher Kirkpatrick
Lake Park High School | 2022

GoRout is a true game changer. We nearly doubled our scout team efficiency. The ability to practice against tempo offenses, flip plays, and get our scout players lined up quickly was faster than anything we have tried before. The biggest benefit is gaining a position coach by getting them off of scout team detail.

John Richmond
Seminole High School | 2023

I have been coaching High School Football for 24 years. One of the most frustrating aspects is scout team reps each and every week. This season GoRout allowed our defense to see anywhere from 50-60 plays each week and our offense to see exact alignments we anticipated from the opposing team. Our offense averaged 35.4 points and game and our defense ranked number 1 in our conference only allowing 18 points a game. Highly recommended. 1 play every 25 seconds, no huddling, no scout books, just push a button, line up and run the play.

Mike Genge
Oakville High School | 2021

GoRout eased the overall frustration for our scout team and revolutionized our team time. We were able to replicate the tempo of our opponents, give 2nd look commands, and show our defensive team a good look in the process. With its capability to engage with HUDL or other playmaking software, we also didn’t have to spend time learning a whole new system. Total game changer for us!

John Diffley
Rockwood Summit High School | 2022

In our first year using GoRout, we were able to nearly double our practice reps in team periods on offense and defense. Once the players and coaches got comfortable with the devices, it became a normal part of practice. I feel GoRout really helped our players be better prepared this season.

Ryan Livezey
Mount Pisgah High School | 2023

GoRout effectively serves as a Grad Assistant in our program. We can track the number of reps and how frequently we get looks specific to our opponents during individual, group, and team sessions. The data indicated we repped two games worth of plays most weeks.

Jesse German
Green Mountain High School | 2021

GoRout is the best product on the market! Our program has benefited greatly by being able to practice al tempos and increasing efficiency with our practice time. It also allows our coaches to stay engaged throughout practice by anticipating the next play.

Ryan Luedecke
Lake Travis High School | 2023

With the GoRout system we were able to double the team segments played and set up was super easy. It worked great with two huddles, never slowing down practice in preparation for up tempo teams.

Donald Smith
Coppell High School | 2023

Using GoRout has increased our efficiency for scout team offense. Being able to move through the script with a touch of a button has been a breath of fresh air—and it is all saved for next year!

Brian Hodge
Rock Island High School | 2023

I cannot begin to say how much better we got from using the GoRout devices! We went from running maybe 10 plays in 10 minutes to running about 20 plays in 10 minutes giving our athletes more reps that we desperately need. We were able to run practice at a faster pace getting more done than past years which I think translated to our success this year.

George Trevino
Linda Marquez High School | 2023

This past season was our first using the GoRout system and we were very impressed with it! In previous seasons we struggled to get ten team reps in a ten minute team defense session because we had to huddle up and use play cards. With GoRout, we were getting 20 or more reps in during that same ten minute session this season. Our kids were constantly moving and it reduced “standing around” in-between plays because the scout offensive players were quickly aligning and running plays. It created a hurry-up atmosphere and helped with our conditioning as well! It is hard to imagine going back to the old way of running scout team after using GoRout!

Eric Stewart
Rockwood Summit High School | 2022

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